Cross Examination

Episode 34

Proverbs 18:17

Central to the Christian faith is the idea that Jesus Christ opened the door for people of every tribe, tongue, and nation to enter into his kingdom, the family of God, by repenting of their sin and confessing him as Lord. Christianity also teaches that by nature we are rebels alienated from God. Thus, conversion is the starting point for every Christian life. Believers in agreement with those ideas therefore celebrate conversion in that sense.

Less well-received among Christians is the idea that one might abandon a doctrinal conviction within the confines of Christianity for another conviction that is also held by other Christians. For instance, a Baptist who considers becoming Anglican likely faces significant headwinds from her peers, as might an Anglican joining a Baptist church. Nevertheless, such movement within the faith is quite common.

Unfortunately, it is not altogether common for believers to teach young people how to navigate the difficult waters of sorting through questions and doubts when their long-held convictions are challenged.

Today’s episode is the first of a short series designed to tackle just such a task. By considering the example of a minor “conversion” of sorts I walked through last year, I will be offering advice and encouragement on how to proceed with wisdom in your pursuit of truth if/when your beliefs–or the beliefs of a loved one–are challenged.