Don’t Trust Anyone! Should Christians believe in Jesus based ONLY on the Bible?

Episode 25

John 2:23-3:11, 1 Corinthians 2:2-5

John 2:23-3:11, 1 Corinthians 2:2-5

You might have sang a song in Sunday School that said “I stand alone on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E!” Is this a great way to think about the Christian faith though? Certainly many of the people in my generation who also grew up singing that song now don’t believe the Bible’s witness about Jesus Christ. Did Bart Ehrman “do them in,” or another bible-doubting expert? Or could some of the blame be found in the system they were taught as children?

Today’s episode WON’T cover the argument that you can’t stand “alone” on the Bible without first standing on the authority of the church councils that canonized the collection of books which defines the composition of the Bible today. It will, however, take a look at an Old Testament expert and religious leader who knew and saw much, but was still lacking a necessary ingredient for understanding. We’ll be talking about John 3, Nicodemus, and the weakness inherent in a doctrine of “salvation by information-alone.”

Stick around for the exhortations at the end, and like and/or share this episode if you’ve found it helpful.