Do a quick web search for “church” in your community and odds are good that you’ll find a complete smorgasbord of local organizations that would love to have you as their guest. What do you think would happen if you asked one of those groups to tell you about the other churches in town?
How about your own local fellowship, (if you have one)? What do you think about other believers in Jesus Christ who hold different doctrinal convictions? What would you think if they wanted to be a part of your fellowship…and also wanted to hold on to some of their old beliefs?
As we look at Jesus’ “High Priestly prayer” in John 17, along with 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 1, and Romans 10, we get a picture of the body of Christ that doesn’t allow for division. May the Lord convict all of us who share in the same Spirit, to honor our Father by treating other believers as family, not as enemies.