The Key to Righteousness

Episode 12

Luke 6

Jesus once taught the secret of knowing what’s hidden deep down inside of you. It wasn’t introspection, or psychotherapy, or hypnosis. It was something far more simple…and far more revealing.

In today’s episode, we discuss that secret, found in Luke chapter 6. Once you’ve discovered what lurks within your soul, then the question becomes how to change that–and the answer isn’t doctrinal instruction, or iron self-will. It’s more hope-full!

By the time I hit the third or fourth “take” of this episode, it was hard to remember where I’d been, or what I’d said. Since I’ve far surpassed the point at which I feel I could improving upon the discussion, I’ve called it a day and I’m praying that God makes something of the mess (or that it’s just quickly forgotten). Mercifully, it’s one of the shortest.

Here’s some suggested links for recent influences that led to this topic being discussed today:

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